Monday, 17 September 2012

Celebrity Philanthropy - Page 3, PR or Passion?

There is one key question we are asked time and time and again at Innovaid – ‘What is the real motivation behind Celebrity Philanthropy?’ Are they just doing it for publicity? Do they really care or is it all just for a photo op and brand enhancement?

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to scratch the surface of most celebrity philanthropy and see the depth of what they are doing behind it.

Here are some key tips for you to spot whether a celeb has passion for a cause or is looking for page 3 presence:
  • Consistency - is there consistency in their pattern of behavior, have they exhibited a steadfast adherence to the same principles, course and form in regards to their philanthropy?
  • Depth - depth can be described as a dimension taken through an object (perhaps subject); downward from an upper surface, horizontally inward from an outer surface, or from top to bottom of something regarded as one of several layers - is there depth to their philanthropy?
  • Synergy - the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements or contributions - do daily actions contribute to their philanthropic agenda?
  • Long term - is it a once off or continuing contribution to a single or related group of philanthropic causes?
  • Knowledge - an acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigations - does the individual exhibit a thorough knowledge of their chosen cause?
Answer yes, to any of these elements and I think you can be confident your celebrity is after more than a page three presence.

They are exhibiting a passion and a commitment to the cause, always a good sign, and, something we at Innovaid strive towards in assisting our clients in setting up their own foundations!

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